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Gallina Negra Bath + Cleansing + Uncrossing + Brujeria + Quita Maldicion + Black Pullet

Gallina Negra Bath + Cleansing + Uncrossing + Brujeria + Quita Maldicion + Black Pullet

Regular price $20.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $20.00 USD
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Our Gallina Negra Bath may help break hexes, cleanse unwanted energies, remove witchcraft, banish negativity, drive away enemies, stop bad habits, end bad luck, cast off evil, and neutralize evil eye. It can even help protect a home from malicious spirits and harmful forces. This classic Mexican Brujeria bath is a traditional remedy for scratching off curses, but our recipe is a proprietary blend. It contains egg shells from a black hen. We recommend taking the bath for an odd number of days (usually three, five, or seven) or up to thirteen days in a row for more challenging cases. There is enough for three baths in the approximately 1 oz package. There are enough for 13 baths in the approximately 3 oz package. Each bath is approximately 6.5 grams. We’ll also include a cotton tea bag and two white tea lights to light and step between when exiting your bath. The bag weighs approximately 1 oz or 3 oz and contains mostly organic ingredients.
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