Santa Muerte Prayers
La Santa Muerte is a Mexican folk Catholic saint of death who has many names such as La Santisima Muerte, La Nina, and La Huesita. La Santa Muerte is the embodiment of death with the highest power over life of any spirit or saint—second only to God.
Many venerate her as she accepts people from all walks of life and does not discriminate against LGBTQ+, sex workers, criminals, and gang members.
Most depict her as a grim reaper-like skeleton holding a scythe, scales, or a globe.
La Santa Muerte has three traditional robes or personalities: white (La Blanca), red (La Roja), and black (La Negra). Each robe represents a different side of her.
La Blanca is the most approachable robe and is the aspect of purity, healing, guidance, clairvoyance, peace, balancing emotions, and cleansing.
La Roja represents love, money, prosperity, fertility, passion, justice, legal issues, fidelity, and marriage.
La Negra is the fiercest of the robes and is feared by malevolent spirits. She is associated with protection, reversing, revenge, and cursing.
La Blanca Health Prayer
Santisima Muerte, powerful blessed holy death, who God has blessed with immense power to heal. I come before you in faith and ask you to answer my call for help at this hour. I call upon you for divine healing from all ailments and diseases. But, most of all Santa Muerte, I call upon your help for (state your petition here). Amen.
La Roja Love Prayer
Santa Muerte, matchmaker and help for the lonely, hear my plea for companionship. I invoke you three times over and ask you to bring love to me. Santa Muerte, bring love to me. Santa Muerte, bring love to me. Santa Muerte, bring love to me. Do not delay, kind lady, bring love forever at my feet. Amen.
La Negra Protection Prayer
Santa Muerte, I call upon you to protect me from enemies and keep me safe from all dangers, both physical and spiritual. Through this sacred flame you purify my body from all envy, negativity, and witchcraft. Grant me love, peace, and abundance. Amen.
Abre Camino Road Opening Prayer #1
With tears in my eyes, I invoke the powers and strength of Santísima Muerte To overcome and conquer all obstacles in my life and on my path. I invoke the powers and strength of Santísima Muerte, To obtain an excellent job that will lead to my success. I invoke the aid of Santísima Muerte for my life to bless. To remove all bad luck and misfortune on my road, I invoke her holiness for good luck and good fortune on my path. And for my home, I invoke Santa Muerte's powerful protection, To ensure my path is always safe from danger and harm, No matter the direction. I invoke the power of Santa Muerte and her forceful scythe, So that no danger or occult enemies on my path Will harm me nor against me connive I (your name) invoke the miracles and blessings of Santísima Muerte To obtain abundance, health, well-being, and prosperity. I (your name) believe in the power of Santa Muerte And every door and any path that closes unto me, With her power opened shall be. So be it and so let it be. Amen.
Abre Camino Road Opening Prayer #2
Dearest and most holy Santa Muerte. Thank you for all that you do, have done and go on doing for me. I ask you to please bring light upon my way and that you keep away from me all possible aggressions, obstacles, and limitations, so that I may go on freely progressing towards happiness and prosperity. You are the guardian of all people including prisoners, runaways, abused and abandoned women and children. Protect and help me to avoid negative casualties, traps, lies, and keep unseen danger away. Let me always stand in your divine light. Amen.
Abre Camino Road Opening Prayer #3
Santisima Muerte, Ancient Queen of Death, clear for me, the road ahead. Let obstacles be pushed aside, remove roadblocks from my life. Santisima Muerte, walk with me, make my road open and free. Amen.
Invoking Santa Muerte
Prior to petitioning Santa Muerte, one must first invoke her to get her attention. To do so, say:
1 Our Father prayer
Our Father, Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name; Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
3 Hail Mary prayers
Hail, Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou amongst women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen.
1 Gloria Patri/Glory Be prayer
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be. World without end. Amen.
The Prayer to St Michael:
St Michael the archangel, defend us in our day of battle. Be our safeguard against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray. And do thou, oh Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan and all those who prowl throughout the world, seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.
And then, pray to God for permission to invoke her and pray to her, asking her to grant your petition. Do so by saying:
Almighty God, before your Divine Presence, in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, I ask permission to invoke the Santisima Muerte.
Holy and Miraculous Mother, at this time I beg for your presence and intervention. Through the great power, which God has given you, I beg of you to hear my prayers and grant me all the favors I ask of you until the last day, hour, and moment when the Divine Majesty shall call me before his presence.
Now, make your requests of Santa Muerte or state your petition.
Santisima Muerte, beloved of my heart, do not abandon me without your protection.
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
To close the ritual, say three Our Father prayers.
Santa Muerte Rosary Dedication
Before beginning your Santa Muerte rosary practice, you may consider dedicating your rosary to Santa Muerte by praying this dedication prayer for nine days. Pray this prayer with complete trust in her:
Mother Death, Beloved of my heart, do not leave me without Your protection, neither by day nor by night. Illuminate me with Your wisdom, and comfort me with Your love. And when my time has come, by Your decree, Take me into Your arms and carry me into eternal life. Lady in White, Lady in Red, Lady in Black, I place upon Your altar this rosary, and plead for Your blessing upon it [for the intention of ______________]. Servant of God, may this image of You be blessed to serve Your child who trusts in You. May it bring me and my loved ones peace, prosperity, and hope, And safety in our homes and upon our journeys. May we have always a roof over our heads and bread upon our table, and all of our needs met. Free the prisoners, heal the sick, and comfort the forgotten with Your holy love, O our Guide upon Heaven’s path, and keeper of the doorway into the life eternal. Amen.
Santa Muerte Rosary Prayers
(Option 1):
I believe in the power of Santa Muerte (or your name for Her) She, who is the keeper of the living and protector of the dead. Who sees all things and forgives all sins. Whose authority is vast and her power absolute. I believe in the power of Santa Muerte; Whose judgement can be both swift and sure; I accept your power under the cloak of your protection And ask that you guard and guide me on my path now. Amen
(Option 2):
May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be adored and glorified forever. May the incorruptible Heart of La Santisima Muerte be venerated forever. Amen. (If you have an aversion to the Christian portion, you may omit it from your prayer).
Single Beads
(Option 1):
Our Father and Glory Be
(Option 2):
Our Father Replacement 1: Death, beloved of my heart, do not leave me unprotected by day or by night. Guide my steps along life’s path and grant me a peaceful and painless death. Amen.
Glory Be Replacement: O' Santa Muerte, I give gratitude and thanks for your protection, influence and Blessings. Amen.
(Option 3):
Our Father Replacement 2: My Beloved Santa Muerte: There is no place that you do not know, No doorway you cannot open or cross And no thing you cannot touch. Please keep me safe beneath your cloak, Secure behind your scythe And hold me gently in your lap like a Mother does a beloved child Now and forever. Amen
Glory Be Replacement: Death, beloved of my heart, do not leave me unprotected by day or by night. Guide my steps along life’s path, and grant me a peaceful and painless death. Amen.
Set of 3 Beads and Each Set of 10 (a.k.a. A Decade)
(Option 1):
Hail Mary, Full of Grace, The Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now, and at the hour of our death. Amen.
(Option 2):
Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me. Father God, protect me.
(Option 3):
Hail Mary replacement 1: I call upon Santa Muerte, the Holy Queen of Death. By your command, influence and authority, I ask that you grant me your power and protection. Bless me and keep me always. Amen.
(Option 4):
Hail Mary replacement 2: Holy Death, have mercy on me. Mother Death, protect me.
Beloved Lady of Death, you were created by God as an instrument of His grace, to guide us into the peaceful realm of eternal life. In Your presence, our eternal life has already begun. Te amo, Santisima Muerte!
Some people end their prayers by saying, “In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen”