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Tetragrammaton Incense & Oil Set (Aleister Crowley Recipe) + Our Favorite Incense + Ritually Charged + Ceremonial Magick + Sorcery

Tetragrammaton Incense & Oil Set (Aleister Crowley Recipe) + Our Favorite Incense + Ritually Charged + Ceremonial Magick + Sorcery

Regular price $103.00 CAD
Regular price Sale price $103.00 CAD
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Small: 1/3 oz oil & 1/2 oz Incense
Large: 1/2 oz oil & 1 oz Incense

We make our Tetragrammaton Oil and Incense using high-quality traditional ingredients from the Aleister Crowley recipe. These ingredients are expensive, challenging to acquire, and come from all over the world. We spared no cost in creating the best Tetragrammaton Oil and Incense that we could during auspicious astrological timing.

A practitioner can use our Tetragrammaton Oil and Incense for rituals, dressing candles, or as an offering.⁣⁣⁣

Our Tetragrammaton Oil and Incense may assist with entity-initiated contact, Angelic Magick, invoking a Holy Guardian Angel, necromancy, conjuring spirits, divination, invoking La Santa Muerte Negra, psychic protection, speaking to spirits, Enochian Magick, summoning Goetia, ceremonial magick, consecrating ritual tools, working with the four elements, and commanding spirits.⁣

⁣⁣In his book Confessions, Aleister Crowley wrote, “There is an incense sacred to Tetragrammaton. After the cakes of light and the incense of Abra-Melin, it is the most powerful of all known perfumes. In fact, it is in a sense more powerful than they are, for they are definitely consecrated to particular purposes, whereas it is entirely without conscience. It consists of galbanum for air, onycha for water, storax for earth and olibanum for fire. It represents the blind force of the four elements and by its use one can bring them to manifestation. Being in itself neither good nor evil, it is extraordinarily dangerous.”⁣⁣

With each purchase, we include a Tetragrammaton necklace as a free gift while supplies last.


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