Sun Herbs + Success + Wealth + Victory + Royalty + Fame + Health + Fatherhood
Sun Herbs + Success + Wealth + Victory + Royalty + Fame + Health + Fatherhood
Our Sun Herbs can help with issues and draw on all the powers that are under the domain of the Sun, including success, wealth, victory, dominance, renown, honors, creativity, health, empowerment, generosity, glory, invoking sun spirits, law-abidingness, advancement, grace, equilibrium, gold, high rank, immortality, triumph over enemies, vitality, good reputation, abundance, leadership, joy, vision, superior status, friendship, spirituality, promise keeping, virtue, illumination, jewels, and royalty.
Some ingredients in our Sun Herbs include saffron, red sandalwood, grapefruit, heliotrope, lemon, and rosemary. There are over 30 ingredients in these herbs. During ritual, we gently massaged them with a small amount of our Sun Oil. We spared no expense on the quality of ingredients, which are sourced from all over the world.
We crafted our planetary products during auspicious astrological timing. There are very few times a year that we can create these products, so quantity is limited. We birthed our Sun Herbs during the day and hour of the Sun. None of the classical planets were retrograde during that time. The construction of our planetary products is influenced by Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa, Al-Biruni, William Lilly, the Picatrix, and the Key of Solomon.
Herb blends are often used for fixing candles, dressing workings, and stuffing doll babies and mojo bags.
The bag weighs approximately 1 oz or 3 oz and contains mostly organic ingredients that are often associated with the Sun and success.